Book Extract: Love Beyond Lindisfarne by Kimberley Adams

I’m very pleased to be welcoming Kimberley Adams to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her novel, Love Beyond Lindisfarne.

Take a spring to summer trip to magical Northumberland and find love and laughter in this feel-good novel, which will transport you to the iconic island of Lindisfarne and beyond…

Ellie, and Zen with the coffee-bean eyes, met at Christmas when she came to Northumberland to look after rescue animals. They are taking their first tentative steps into a love-at-first-sight relationship and all in their spring garden should be wonderful.

When Lady Grace becomes ill, life at the castle changes overnight, and not for the better. The new custodian and his fiancée have plans, and the islanders are far from happy. When the filming of a reality show means the animals must move out of their yard due to the Queen of the Castle production company taking over, it’s the final straw.

Amongst all the drama, Love Beyond Lindisfarne is a story of love, intergenerational friendships, camaraderie, and oodles of the warmth and humour found in this very special corner of the world.


Kimberley has shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy. 


*****beginning of extract*****


This piece is spoken by the narrator Ellie, who is one of the lead characters in the book, a romantic comedy set in Northumberland. It gives a flavour of what’s to come in the pages and an idea of some of the people and animals that we meet along the way in this the second trip to Lindisfarne and beyond!


April. Was it really four months since I had been rescued from near drowning on the causeway as I made my way onto Lindisfarne for the first time? I’d arrived from London after a chance meeting led me to the island to help look after rescue animals belonging to Lord and Lady Lindisfarne, or James and Grace, as I now know them. I hadn’t really known where Northumberland was, let alone the tiny Holy Island, but even though I hadn’t been here very long in the grand scheme of things, I’d come to love the place, its eclectic residents, the hilarious bunch of reprobate animals and, of course, Zen, my rescuer, who I knew from the very first time I’d seen those gorgeous coffee bean eyes, was the one for me.

Life had been pretty peachy since then – the freezing cold Northumberland winter weather excepted – but today the big spring sun was shining, bathing the newly emerging green landscape in warmth. Swathes of heavy headed daffodils were following on from delicate snowdrops and dancing on the gentle breeze; crocuses were popping up like splodges of colour on an artist’s paint palette, adding splashes of vibrancy across the ground – it should have been the kind of day to be glad to be alive. Except it wasn’t. In the midst of all the new life emerging around me, we were in death. Lindisfarne had lost one of its own…


*****end of extract*****



About Kimberley Adams –

Kimberley Adams released her debut novel, Love Lindisfarne in Autumn of last year. The book, a romantic comedy, is set in her beloved Northumberland and is a heartwarming tale of love and friendship on the small tidal island of Holy Island.

Kim was stunned by the way the book took off in the busy Christmas book market and it became one of the highest rated of its genre on Amazon and gained Kim a lot of new friends! Kim hadn’t thought about writing a sequel but demand was there and so Love Beyond Lindisfarne was born. The book features all the favourite characters but can be read as a standalone.

Kim’s Lindisfarne books share a special feature as Kim engages with a local artist and between them, they create the covers to match a scene within the book.  Kim is also to be published traditionally by Farrago in April 24 in The Book of Witty Women. This was as a result of her being a finalist in the Comedy Women in Print Prize and her story, Go Your Own Way, is a comedy set on urban Tyneside and introduces two of her favourite characters, Donna and her nana Mary!

Say hello via X (Twitter), Instagram and Facebook.

Love Beyond Lindisfarne is part of the Love Lindisfarne series and was released in May 2024. Click here to buy from Amazon UK, Amazon US and Waterstones.


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I’m Laura. I started Novel Kicks in 2009. I wanted a place to post my writing as well as give other writers like me the opportunity to do the same. There is also a monthly book club, a writing room which features writing prompts, book reviews, competitions, author interviews and guest posts.

I grew up by the sea (my favourite place in the world) and I currently live in Hampshire. I am married to Chris, have a cat named Buddy and I would love to be a writer. I’m trying to write the novel I’ve talked so much about writing if only I could stop pressing delete. I’ve loved writing since creative writing classes in primary school. I have always wanted to see my teacher Miss Sayers again and thank her for the encouragement. When not trying to write the novel or writing snippets of stories on anything I can get my hands on, I love reading, dancing like a loon and singing to myself very badly. My current obsession is Once Upon a Time and I would be happy to live with magic in the enchanted forest surrounded by all those wonderful stories provided that world also included Harry Potter. I love reading chick lit. contemporary fiction and novels with mystery.

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