It’s a pleasure to be welcoming back MJ Porter to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for their latest book, Betrayal of Mercia – book seven in the Eagle of Mercia Chronicles.
A King in crisis, a Queen on trial, a Kingdom’s survival hangs in the balance.
Londonia, AD835
The deadly conspiracy against the children of Ealdorman Coenwulf is to be resolved. Those involved have been unmasked and arrested. But will justice prevail?
While the court convenes to determine the conspirator’s fate, King Wiglaf’s position is precarious. His wife, Queen Cynethryth, has been implicated in the plot and while Wiglaf must remain impartial, enemies of the Mercia still conspire to prevent the full truth from ever being known.
As Merica weeps from the betrayal of those close to the King, the greedy eyes of Lord Æthelwulf, King Ecgberht of Wessex’s son, pivot once more towards Mercia. He will stop at nothing to accomplish his goal of ending Mercia’s ruling bloodline.
Mercia once more stands poised to be invaded, but this time not by the Viking raiders the so fear.
Can Icel and his fellow warriors’ triumph as Mercia once more faces betrayal from within?
Queen Cynethryth is on trial. All kingdoms are in a constant state of war. Can Mercia stand against those who wish to see it fall?
This is the seventh book in the series and the first to land upon my desk.
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