2019 has had its fair share of books being adapted into film.
There are varying opinions, of which I have a few, when it comes to moving a beloved novel to the big screen and which one is better. Personally for me, the novel usually wins.
Saying that, I wanted to share a list of film adaptations I am anticipating or have been wanting to watch this year.
Some have already been released, others are due out soon. Let me know in the comments what you think about the list as well as others you’ve enjoyed or are looking forward to.
Where’d You Go, Bernadette. (released August 2019.)
Released in August and staring Cate Blanchett and Steve Zahn, this has been adapted from the novel by Maria Semple.
I have to be honest, I have not read the novel. It’s been on my list for a long time so it won’t be long until I read it as I want to see the movie. For me, it has to be that way around.
I heard so many good things about the novel and the premise sounds so interesting.
Just in case you’ve not heard of this novel before, it’s about a mother who is compelled to reconnect with her creative passions after years bringing up her family. This takes her on an epic journey.
Little Women (release date: 26th December.)
I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with adaptations of this novel.
The only one I ever vaguely liked is the one starring Winona Ryder. For the record, my best friend hates that version. It’s one of the few things we disagree on.
Nothing could really live up to the magic of the original novel by Louisa May Alcott but I will give this one a go, if anything because Meryl Streep is playing Aunt March and that should be good.
It’s also staring Timothée Chalament (Homeland and Ladybird) as Laurie, Emma Watson (Harry Potter,) as Meg, Laura Dern (Big Little Lies) as Marmee and Saoirse Ronan as Jo.
The Goldfinch (released September 2019.)
Books have the ability to completely transport me to another world. I like escaping into the lives and surroundings of the characters so much. Film adaptations can bring what is in your imagination even more to life (and sometimes completely annoy you if not done properly.)
A lot of the films being released right now seem to be adapted from novels and I wanted to share some of the book to film adaptations that I am looking forward to with you.
Ambling Entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures, Walden Media, Reliance Entertainment & The Kennedy Marshall Company. Distributed by Entertainment One.
The first book to film adaptation I am excited about this year is The BFG and is based on the novel from Roald Dahl
This was one of my favourite books growing up (it was tied with Charlie and The Chocolate Factory in terms of my favourite Dahl stories.) For those few who are not familiar, it’s about a young orphan named Sophie who one night discovers that a giant delivers dreams to children. Sophie is soon introduced to the big friendly giant who takes her on an adventure through Giant country.
I loved everything about this book from the plot to the big friendly giant to the illustrations. I wanted to meet the BFG so much. The imagery scared me and was exciting at the same time. I also was a big fan of the animated version. Anyone remember that?
The film version stars Mark Rylance (who I believe was in Bridge of Spies,) Rebecca Hall, Bill Hader and Ruby Barnhill. It was released in July and I’ve not yet got a chance to go and see it. I can be sceptical of adaptations of books from my childhood but if the trailer is anything to go by, it’s going to be excellent. Mark Rylance looks like he makes the perfect BFG.
(The BFG was released on 22nd July 2016.)
Another book to film adaption that is due out this year is Inferno which is adapted from the novel by Dan Brown.
Yes, for many, Dan Brown may not be the best writer in the world (he’s certainly ahead of me. He’s written a book and I haven’t…yet. I don’t mind his books.) However, he is incredibly good at picking an interesting subject matter and the man can definitely do cliff-hanger chapter endings. I am not sure what it is about Dan Brown’s novels that gets me completely hooked on them. These novels are certainly a guilty pleasure of mine.
Columbia Pictures
Inferno is not my favourite of Brown’s novels in all honesty but I am looking forward to seeing the film. I think Tom Hanks makes an OK Robert Langdon and the movies are perfect escapism.
The general gist of Inferno is that Langdon wakes up in an Italian hospital with no idea how he got there. Along with Sienna Brooks (who is being played by Felicity Jones who was in The Theory of Everything,) has to stop someone from releasing a deadly virus that has the capability to wipe out half the world’s population.
(Inferno is due to be released in cinemas on 14th October 2016.)
The third adaptation I am looking forward to seeing this year is the film adapted from JoJo Moyes novel, Me Before You. I remember being blown away by this novel (although I didn’t cry at the end. My friend thinks I’m a Vulcan because of it.) JoJo has written the screenplay for this so as a fan of the book, it can’t be in safer hands really.
This tells the story of Lou who is hired by the family of Will who is confined to a wheelchair after a motorcycle accident. She soon forms a bond with Will that she never expected.
This was released in June (and I’m so slow off the mark in going to see it.) I’ve heard some wonderful things about the film. It stars Emilia Clarke as Lou. It’s not quite how I pictured her but from the preview trailers I’ve seen, she suits the role well. It also stars Sam Claflin as Will (he was in the Hunger Games and Love, Rosie.) He makes a very handsome Will in my opinion. I look forward to catching this one when I can.
(Me Before You was released in cinemas on 3rd June 2016.)
There is always one thing that is certain when there is a beloved book adapted into a movie and that is everyone will have an opinion as to which one is better. Book worms will insist that the book will always be better. I loved the Bridget Jones films for example but the books will always be better (an opinion that will not be changed post third film.)
The company www.cartridgediscount.co.uk have designed this beautiful graphic comparing the books vs. film for some of the most loved series. The books and films analysed are Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games and Fifty Shades of Grey. It’s interesting to see the comparison. Can a film ever outdo the source material? Take a look….
Harry Potter is one of my favourite series and some of the best-selling novels of all time. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings is the same. According to this, it takes twenty hours to watch all the Harry Potter films and two and a half days to read all the books. It would take twenty hours to watch all of The Lord of The Rings films although it may be more if you have the extended versions. I feel these series have been adapted so well. With Potter, I would have liked to have seen Peeves though.
The Hunger Games is also a book series I loved. I liked it more than I thought I would and I devoured the novels. I was disappointed when they had to end to be honest. I was definitely team Peeta. I was also happy with the way it ended. The films were great but I think I preferred the novels. According to this, it takes seventeen hours to read the novels. With Twilight, it was the other way around. I actually liked the film more than the novel.
Fifty Shades of Grey is a trio of books which gripped the UK when it was released. The first film in the series was released last year and the other two are expected. It originally began as Twilight fan fiction. The books apparently take one day and three hours to read. At the moment, the film will take you a little over two hours but in its defence, there is only one.
There are so many interesting facts in these. Do you agree? Which one is your favourite and why?
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