A huge welcome to Michele Gorman who is visiting our blog today as part of her blog tour for her new novel, The Curvy Girls Club. Today, Michele shares with us her inspiration behind her book:
Lots of people have asked me where the idea for The Curvy Girls Club came from and, as with most of my books, it began with a question.
I was talking to my mum, who’d just said “It’s easy for you, you’re skinny.”
“I’m not skinny,” I said. “I’m normal.”
She smiled. “Honey, look around you. You’re not normal. We are.”
That got me thinking about labels. What’s “normal”? Does it mean the norm? If so then Mum was right, “overweight” is normal. We use words like skinny and fat as judgmental words, when really, they’re just adjectives. Continue reading →
Katie, Ellie, Pixie and Jane have all struggled with their weight. They all belong to Slimming Zone and are the best of friends. When they get a little fed up with defining their lives by their waistline, they decide to form a club where size doesn’t matter and they can all be themselves – The Curvy Girls Club.
Very soon, the club becomes very popular as more people sign up and it becomes more successful than all the girls could imagine. However, things aren’t as good outside of the club as each girl struggles with the ups and downs of life.
As someone who has always struggled with her weight there was a lot in this book I could relate to and I thought I was going to find it a little hard going to read because of that. This book handles the subject matter well and there is a lot of humour, fun and four great, strong, female characters. Each woman has their own personal stories and all are going through slightly different things.
Katie is in love with a guy at work and makes some bad decisions for herself (not realising that she has to practise what she preaches,) Pixie is a strong woman but needs to find the courage to leave a bad relationship and start over (her behaviour toward Katie wasn’t always good,) Jane who has forgotten how fabulous she is and Ellie who needs to tame the Continue reading →
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