It was published by Novelicious Books in January and we are very delighted to take part in Rosie’s blog tour. Rosie joins us for a chat – favourite words, ideal dinner guests, Albus Dumbledore and Charmed.
Hi Rosie, can you tell us a little about How to Get a (Love) Life?
The story focusses on Nicola Brown, an uptight and introverted young woman who has never had a date on Valentine’s Day. Following a bet with a work colleague, Nicola has to put aside her hang ups to go on as many dates as she possibly can in order to find the perfect man in time for February 14th. Of course, lots of hijinks ensue including a disastrous date or two.
Can you give us a few fun facts about Nicola?
Fun facts about Nicola! Of course! She likes to eat her chocolate mini roll at a certain time of the day, keep the cellophane on all her furniture and make long lists about … wait … did you say fun? Oh. Erm. Yeah.
Nicola has success in her professional life (she enjoys her job working for a talent agency,) she loves her family (even though her mother can be hard work,) and she has lovely friends. However, she doesn’t have a boyfriend and when her colleague, Caroline, discovers that Nicola has never had a boyfriend for Valentine’s Day, she sets Nicola a challenge to get a love life and that she needs to find herself a man by Valentine’s Day. For a girl set in her ways (and frankly has a case of OCD,) this isn’t an easy task.
Nicola’s important quest begins with some awful dates with horrible sounding men and at times, it was cringe worthy to read – I felt sorry for Nicola. The book was great and had me laughing out loud in some places.
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.