My Favourites: What I Was Loving in January

notebook_elastic_individual_sweet_2017_blue_detail_2I thought it was about time I did another favourites post. I do love reading these kinds of posts. There were plenty of things I loved in January, including stationery, a TV show and some music. I wanted to share them with you today. (Side note; I have not been paid to mention these products. I brought them with my own money. It’s simply that I’ve loved them.)

My first favourite is actually three items (slightly cheating but what can you do?)
I have become seriously obsessed (and yes, completely obsessed) with Kikki K. I am new to their products but I really can’t stop myself visiting the website. So many pretty things. I am certainly a Kikki K convert. What’s that? Oh, it’s my bank balance crying in fear.

The three products I have been particularly loving are:

This notebook from their sweet collection. I am a sucker for a notebook and this one is one of my absolute favourites.
It is hardback so fairly durable. The cover is so pretty and the illustrations carry on through the whole book.
2017_small_weekly_cute_diary_pink_inside_3 2017_small_weekly_cute_diary_front_1The only thing I have been finding is that it is a little heavy. A small price to pay though for such a beautiful notebook. I am in love.

The second favourite is my diary. I was using the diary from the Busy B collection but then I discovered this. It is soooooo cute. It has a week to view, it has little pockets to put things like stickers in (it comes with a sheet too) plus it has sections for books I’d like to read, movies, websites and expenses which were all things that helped sell it to me. It’s very colourful. It never fails to cheer me up whenever i see it.

lifes_little_stickers_2pk_cute_2017_front pusheen-coloring-book-9781501164767_hrThe final product from Kikki K are these ‘life’s little stickers.’
I adore stickers (I always have and I don’t think the fact that I am an adult should change that. So there.)
These stickers are not only very pretty, they are incredibly handy and practical. Including stickers to mark birthdays, meetings and to do’s, it does also have lovely picture stickers. If you’re into decorating your diary like me, these would be a perfect addition.

Moving away from Kikki K, the next product I have been loving over the last month is this Pusheen colouring book. I like the rhythm to colouring and then creating something. I do get a sense of achievement when I finish a picture. This book combines this feeling with Pusheen. Colouring and a cute cat. It’s a no brainer really.
ProductivityThere are plenty of cute pictures in here. Also, where it is cute, it makes me smile and anything that does that is OK in my book.

The final stationery type product in my favourites for January is this Productivity Planner. Created by Intelligent Change, this planner has been a brilliant way for me to become a little bit more organised and productive.

Each page starts with an inspirational quote. Then it asks you to write down the most important task of the day followed by three secondary tasks and then two additional tasks if you manage to finish the ones prior. You then try and predict how many units of time (it uses twenty five minutes sessions.) Using the pomodoro technique, there are little circles in order to track how long it takes you. The book has a better way of explaining it but I have been using it for a few weeks and it has worked more times than it hasn’t.

before you go christmas ccokieWhilst using all this stationery, I have been loving this Christmas Cookie candle from Yankee Candle. It’s a lovely scent and reminds me of Christmas which is just as well as it is a Christmas scent. As it is called Christmas Cookie, it would be unsurprising to say that it smells of cookies. It’s a comforting smell.
Rumour has it that this is also the candle they use in the Grand Floridian in Walt Disney World. I would love anything that reminds me of Disney.

My book favourite last month has to be Before You Go by Clare Swatman. From the cover to the plot, I loved everything about this book. Zoe and Ed have know each other since University and they’ve been married for years. When Ed dies, Zoe is devastated and she wishes that she could see Ed again. She then gets her chance. She finds herself making her way back to specific days in her and Ed’s history. She soon wonders whether she can change time and in turn, her future.
This book was fantastic. I was drawn in and couldn’t stop reading. If you want to read my full review, click here. I really do recommend this book.

Speaking of an Ed, I (and the majority of the UK) have been loving Castle on The Hill by Ed Sheeran. This has been on repeat. A lot.

Aggressive Mediocrity, DC Entertainment, Jerry Bruckheimer Television, Vertigo, Warner Bros. Television

Aggressive Mediocrity, DC Entertainment, Jerry Bruckheimer Television, Vertigo, Warner Bros. Television

My last January favourite is a TV show. I have been loving Lucifer which is available via Amazon. My sister recommended this show and I now thank her for the hours I spent racing through all the available episodes, getting up to date and then having to wait. Damn having to wait for another episode.
The general premise is that Lucifer has decided that he is bored with running hell and so he decides to take a holiday… in Los Angeles. The main character is played by Tom Ellis and he is fantastic in it. The show’s storylines are not completely original but parts of it are incredibly funny.

What have you been enjoying over the last month? Let me know in the comments.


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I’m Laura. I started Novel Kicks in 2009. I wanted a place to post my writing as well as give other writers like me the opportunity to do the same. There is also a monthly book club, a writing room which features writing prompts, book reviews, competitions, author interviews and guest posts.

I grew up by the sea (my favourite place in the world) and I currently live in Hampshire. I am married to Chris, have a cat named Buddy and I would love to be a writer. I’m trying to write the novel I’ve talked so much about writing if only I could stop pressing delete. I’ve loved writing since creative writing classes in primary school. I have always wanted to see my teacher Miss Sayers again and thank her for the encouragement. When not trying to write the novel or writing snippets of stories on anything I can get my hands on, I love reading, dancing like a loon and singing to myself very badly. My current obsession is Once Upon a Time and I would be happy to live with magic in the enchanted forest surrounded by all those wonderful stories provided that world also included Harry Potter. I love reading chick lit. contemporary fiction and novels with mystery.

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