We are in September. How are we already in September? As we are moving closer to Autumn, this month I wanted to pick a book that I think is perfect to snuggle up with when it’s raining outside (or not.)
I love books and I love chatting about them even more. For September, the book I have chosen for us is one of my favourites, Ralph’s Party by Lisa Jewell. Who wants to join me?
I have posted a question to kick things off in the comments box below. A good thing about this book club is that everyone is welcome to take part. It’s open to all. You can read the book at any point in the month or if you’ve already read it, tell us what you think.
The best part… it’s all from the comfort of your armchair/sofa/bed/comfy place.
About Ralph’s Party:
byNovel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.