Book Corner is our monthly online book club. Anyone can join.
How it works…
We love books and we love chatting about them even more. Every month, we pick a new book for discussion. We will post a question to kick things off and then you can talk about any of your thoughts about the book in the comments box below. The best thing about our book club is that EVERYONE CAN TAKE PART.
This month, I am doing things a little differently. As it’s October, and also the launch month for Books are My Bag 2015, I am going to be doing the Booktober challenge. Four weeks, four books. I’ve picked four books that I will be reading over the next four weeks. You can either read along with me or pick four of your own. Please do let me know in the comments if you’d decided to read along and which books you’ve picked.
Also, to celebrate Booktober, anyone who takes part and comments on any of the books they are reading in the comments below will go into the draw to win a £10 Books Are My Bag gift card which is accepted in bookshops nationwide.
(Competition open to UK only. Draw will close on 31st October 2015 at midday and the winner will be drawn at random soon after and announced on the Novel Kicks blog.)
So, to the four books I’ve picked….. The Day we Disappeared by Lucy Robinson, The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon, Us by David Nicholls and The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins.
This year’s Books are my Bag campaign launched on 9th October and there are plenty of ways to get involved.
There will be many bookshop parties tomorrow as well as the chance to pick up the Books are My Bag tote bags. Tracey Emin has designed a collector’s edition bag which will be available from tomorrow (11th October,) but be quick if you want to get your hands on one. Jen Campbell’s, The Bookshop Book is the official book for this year’s campaign and it looks fantastic.
Throughout October, Books are My Bag are also running #ThisBookshop. Just tweet what your favourite bookshop is or if you have your own blog, write a blog post and share on Twitter with that hashtag, #ThisBookshop. The idea is to put bookshops in the spotlight and at the end of October they will award somebody using that hashtag with some book tokens.
They are also hosting #bookadayuk (details in the banner to the right,) throughout October where there is a new subject to tweet about everyday -just some of the many ways you can get involved.
BOOKS ARE MY BAG, which originally launched in 2013, is a Continue reading →
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.