Jen has discovered a secret. It’s not hers to share, but is it hers to keep? If she tells her husband Jason, he might get over the shock but will he forgive her for telling the truth? She might drive a wedge through their marriage. If she tells someone else in Jason’s family – the family she’s come to love more than her own – she’d not only tear them apart but could also find herself on the outside: she’s never really been one of them, after all. But if she keeps this dirty little secret to herself, how long can she pretend nothing is wrong? How long can she live a lie?
Jen knows the truth – but is she ready for the consequences?
Jen leads a happy life. She is happily married to Jason, she has two daughters and she is very close to her husband’s family – her sister-in-law being her best friend.
Jen then learns a secret. It’s a secret that has the potential to ruin her perfect life and the perfect family around her. It’s not her secret but she’s in a horrible position. Either way, people are going to get hurt.
Skeletons is the latest book from Jane Fallon (who also wrote Getting Rid of Matthew, The Ugly Sister and Foursome.) As part of her blog tour for her new book, we had a chat with Jane about the book, her fantasy dinner guests and her favourite word.
What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve been given?
Keep moving forward. Don’t be tempted to go back and edit as you go along or you’ll just keep rewriting the same passage over and over again.
What’s Skeletons about and how did the idea originate?
Jen was the only child of only children whose father left when she was young. When she met Jason she fell in love with his big artsy bohemian family as much as with him. They’ve become her family too. His father Charles is much more of a father to her than her own. When the book starts Jen and Jason have been happily married for 20 years. And then she sees Charles in the street with a much younger woman and it’s clear they are more than colleagues. Jen knows if she tells Jason it will blow the family apart. But can she keep it secret?
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