Hello September.
The first of the ‘ber’ months. It’s the back to school month. I confess, I’ve always loved this month especially when I was younger. It gave me an excuse to get new stationery although my husband will tell you I have enough notebooks.
The nights are getting a little shorter. It’s the perfect month to settle in with a good book and I hope you’ll find this month’s pick a good companion.
This month’s pick is Blind Spot by Paula Hawkins.
I am a fan of Paula’s novels and this novella sounded interesting. At only approx 128 pages, it’s a quick read.
Anyone can take part in our book club whether you’re reading along with me or have already read it. People who have seen the TV series are also welcome. The best part, you don’t have to leave your house to take part. I’ve posted a question below to kick off discussion and I look forward to chatting with you there.
About Blind Spot:
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.